Spaying and Neutering

This procedure offers many health benefits, including reduced risk of cancer and behavioural issues.

Spaying and neutering has a range of health benefits for your pet (in addition to stopping their ability to mother or father a litter of puppies or kittens). Pets who don’t have the procedure are more likely to have a shorter lifespan and develop cancers in their reproductive organs. To discuss the best time for your pet to have the procedure, please contact us at 705-753-0324.

Why should my pet have the procedure?

In addition to preventing your pet from reproducing, these procedures offer a range of health benefits, including:

  • Eliminated risk of ovarian and uterine cancers
  • Decreased risk of breast cancer
  • Eliminated risk of testicular cancer
  • Prevention against pyometra, the uterine infection female pets can develop
  • Prevention against behaviours associated with your pet’s heat cycle

What happens during the procedure?

Before your pet has surgery, we’ll do a physical exam and pre-anesthetic blood test. The blood test ensures your pet will respond well to the medicine once it’s administered. We’ll insert an IV to administer the anesthesia and give your pet fluids throughout. Next, a breathing tube will be placed in their windpipe to send oxygen and gas anesthetic directly into the lungs. We’ll make a small incision near their scrotum and remove your pet’s testicles if they’re being neutered. If your pet is being spayed, we’ll make an incision below their belly button to remove their uterus and ovaries.

How do I support my pet after the surgery?

To prevent complications it is important you make sure their surgical wound stays dry and they do not lick it. You should also limit the amount of movement your pet does right after surgery, to encourage healing and help prevent complications. Most pets can resume normal activity 5-10 days after surgery. Until then, lots of rest, and no swimming, bathing, or running is advised. Elizabethan collars (E-collars) or alternatives may be used to prevent your pet from being able to lick at the incision.

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