Ultrasound and X-ray

Painless and non-invasive diagnostic tools that assist veterinarians in identifying issues.

Our hospital is equipped with top-of-the-line tools to support your pet’s health. Tools like our digital ultrasound and X-ray allow us to make an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s health concerns. Both machines are safe and efficient ways to get a better picture of what’s happening inside your pet’s body.

What is an ultrasound?

An ultrasound uses high frequency ultrasound waves to generate images of your pet’s internal organs and structures, with the help of a probe. The probe is placed over the area of your pet’s body we’d like to capture. Once the sound waves are directed into their body, they’re reflected from or absorbed. We can see the area on a digital monitor because the waves return to the probe as echoes. One of the benefits of ultrasounds is they are a non-invasive imaging technique and that does not involve radiation. If your pet is having an ultrasound of their abdomen, they shouldn’t eat for at least 12 hours before their appointment.

What is an X-ray?

Digital X-rays are much safer than traditional ones because they use less radiation, limiting your pet’s exposure. Our veterinary technicians as well as your pet are given protective gear to protect them against the rays. X-rays use electromagnetic energy to generate images of your pet’s bones and soft tissues. One of the benefits of digital X-rays is how quickly we can generate images of your pet’s body to analyze them and provide a diagnosis.

What does each tool diagnose?

We use ultrasounds to diagnose and monitor pregnancy, as well as abdominal organs like kidneys, liver and bladder. It’s also great for diagnosing heart conditions, cysts and tumours. X-rays help capture broken bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons and teeth. If you have questions about our diagnostic imaging procedures, please contact us at 705-753-0324.

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